


james graham, marquês de montrose (1612-1650)

(ao saber da sua sentença de morte em Edinburgh) Let them bestow on ev'ry airth a limb; Open all my veins, that I may swim To Thee, my Saviour, in that crimson lake; Then place my parboil'd head upon a stake, Scatter my ashes, throw them in the air: Lord (since Thou know'st where all these atoms are) I'm hopeful once Thou'lt recollect my dust, And confident thou'lt raise me with the just.

1] From 1644 Graham commanded the Royalist forces in Scotland during the Civil War. After several brilliant successes, he was defeated at Philiphaugh in September, 1645 and fled to Norway. In 1650 he returned to Scotland but was unable to raise followers, and was finally betrayed to the Parliament and executed in Edinburgh. airth: quarter of the compass. (consultar: http://rpo.library.utoronto.ca/poem/880.html e http://www.british-civil-wars.co.uk/biog/montrose.htm)